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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
May 2004

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  • Commemorating Jesus Death The Lord nowhere instructed anyone to commemorate His birth, yet the world makes the supposed remembrance of that occasion the most celebrated time of the year. by Elder Ralph Harris 

  • Bars of Fellowship As touching resolutions of non-fellowship I observe two extremes. One is to make a test of fellowship out of almost everything. The other is to make a test of fellowship out of almost nothing.  by Elder Ralph Harris 

  • Smooth Things Do we seek to please men? If we yet please men, then we are not the servants of Christ By Elder Marty Hoogasian

  • Faith is not a reward Without faith both God’s Consolation and Hope is unperceivable to the evil generation. by Elder Marty Hoogasian

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Notable Quotes:
"The Bible is the rock upon which our republic rests."  – Andrew Jackson (From The Baptist Trumpet) By implication that Rock is Jesus Christ our Lord- Editor

The world that God so Loved!  

 Nuts for Arminians to Crack by Elder J. B. Hardy, Sr.

#228: If God changes not (Mal. 3:6) , did He not love every object in eternity that He loves now or ever will love?

#225: If God loved His people as He loved Christ, and He loved Christ before the foundation of the world (John 17:23-24), did He not love His people before the foundation of the world?

#226: If God loved sinners when they were dead in sins, will His love ever cease toward those who refuse to repent and obey the gospel?


thin line Editor: Elder Claude Mckee mail iconCopyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 18, 2009 )