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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
September 2004

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  • But Ye believe not  because ye are not of my sheep". Popular religion puts it just the other way around. (Nugget 254) By Elder Ralph Harris

  • Hope -- A Precious Gift Hope is a very precious and wonderful thing, and regardless of what others may say about it, "Hope maketh not ashamed By Elder Ralph Harris

  • Precious Stones The elect are cemented as lively stones onto that foundation [Jesus Christ] with the most precious mortar. That bond is made perfect by the blood of the Lamb. by Elder Marty Hoogasian 

  • Peace in the Household of Faith And a man's foes shall be they of his own household...  by Elder Marty Hoogasian

gold diamond Item of interest The Acknowledgement of God in our State Constitutions
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Experiences In support of the above article, 'But ye believe not', a Sister shares her experiences in coming to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Christ Jesus

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Notable Quotes: He [Jesus] chose the apostles, the foundations of his church, from the ranks of fishermen, and we see from several incidents in the Evangelists, that they labored at their calling after they were set apart to their apostolic office. Paul, chosen last of the apostles, supported himself, in part, by tent-making. Unless, then, we repudiate the whole early example of the apostolic church, we must agree that working with a man’s hands is no disqualification to a minister of Christ.”--Francis Wayland

thine line Editor: Elder Claude Mckee mail iconCopyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 18, 2009 )