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Essential Baptist Principles™
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
April 1, 2005
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Selected Articles
Where do they go?The preaching of the gospel, even the Arminian’s version of it, has nothing
whatsoever to do with anyone's eternal destiny.by Elder Ralph Harris
Obey God rather than Man
When anyone requests, urges or demands that we do anything
contrary to "thus saith the Lord," we are duty bound to obey God rather than man. by Elder Ralph Harris
On the Cross Some
thoughts on the words of our Lord, as He hung on the cross. by Elder
Chuck Campbell
approved Some will try to advocate the heresy that God predestinated many [or all] things
by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Wise in this world
Fishermen and tax collectors were among the vocations of those whom our Lord called to be apostles in the primitive church by Elder
Marty Hoogasian

'Work in the Kingdom'
should we fear
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Acknowledgement of God
- Daniel
Notable Quotes: Now, as our nature opposes sin, our conscience will, in the same degree, sanction its punishment.
If we do not hate sin, we will oppose its punishment. Elder John R. Daily from ‘The
pilgrimage of a stranger’"
Editor: Elder Claude Mckee Copyright
© 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 21, 2009