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Essential Baptist Principles™
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
March 1, 2005
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Selected Articles
Few are right and many are wrong
There are still a few of us strange critters who are determined to stand for the truth no matter what the majority thinks of us. bits
and pieces # 448 Elder Ralph Harris
Obedience to the truth
The gospel is much more than just an exposition of the
wonderful decrees and counsels of God with no practical application. by Elder Ralph Harris
Where art thou?
who is all knowing has never needed to ask a question for the purpose of receiving an answer for something He didn’t know. by Elder
Chuck Campbell
Winds and sea obey All men ought to obey God but we know that all man will not obey God. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
The vision of all
Surely there must be great benefit from reading the vision of all, especially to those that are loved of the Lord by Elder
Marty Hoogasian
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Acknowledgement of God
- Presidential Quotes?
Notable Quotes:
It scarce requires an effort to do wrong, but it requires the greatest courage and the most heroic effort to do right, to stand up in the face of every
influence. 'An empty sack cannot stand upright.' It must be full to be straight. The reason why some men will not stand up is, that
they have nothing in them." Elder James H. Oliphant
Editor: Elder Claude Mckee Copyright
© 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 22, 2009