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Essential Baptist Principles™
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
May 1, 2005
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Selected Articles
Special People? Hence, if the Lord has singled us out His, for special favors, we may also expect that
the world will single us out for its special contempt. by Elder Ralph Harris
Him Proverbs 3:6, The clear implication is that if we do not acknowledge Him in all our ways, then we cannot expect Him to direct our paths. by Elder Ralph Harris
Exhortation to stay in Old Paths Some
have even gotten ashamed of the old doctrine of grace and have assayed to lift us up out of the old ruts, and put us on a
high plane of prosperity. by Elder T. S. Dalton (Bit and Pieces #453 by Ralph Harris)
Chosen in Him He neither lived for the multitudes nor did He die for the multitudes but He died for those chosen in Him
before the world began. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Separate thyself
'let there be no strife for we are brethren. Is not the whole land before thee? SEPARATE thyself I pray thee from me' by Elder
Marty Hoogasian

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Acknowledgement of God
- I plead the first
Notable Quotes: “The first and most
important lesson for a poor sinner to learn before he will ever have a right conception of God and acknowledge the justice of His
ways, and before he will ever appreciate and rejoice in the glorious theme of discriminating grace, he must be taught to see his own
depraved condition. And this is something that man cannot teach. If a man has leaned this lesson, then he has been taught of God,
and is in a good condition to be taught about God.” Elder T. L. Webb Sr. from his book “Little things”
Editor: Elder Claude Mckee Copyright
© 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 22, 2009