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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
May 2006

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  • Apt to teach Poor judgment has often been used in ordaining men to the ministry. From the bits and pieces series (#521) Elder Ralph Harris

  • The Heart No matter how much a man is deceived by his own heart, it never deceives God. From the bits and pieces (#518) series. by  Elder Ralph Harris

  • All things It does not seem reasonable to me to say that good things work together with evil things, and that consequently everything we do and everything that happens to us during our lifetime, whether good or bad, turns out for our good. Elder Ralph Harris
    Freely Speak Today seminaries teach foreign languages to men believing that by so doing that Christ can be brought to every nation under heaven. The languages of man can be learned and spoken; but no teacher but God can teach a man to embrace the gospel. By Elder Marty Hoogasian

  • Centuries of Resurrections Christ need not walk the sands of time to heal the sick and raise the dead. He is still as powerful today as he was yesterday and before there was a day. By Elder Marty Hoogasian

  • Worldly teaching says that everyone has some good in them and that God loves everybody but the scriptures do not support that worldly claim. The following article is found on the Old Line Messenger web site edited by Elder Brian Moore.
    Are there any who do good? By Elder Brian Moore


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Apostasy among Primitive Baptists

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Notable Quotes: Posted to the Pblibrary by Elder Robert Webb

"I repeat that many who went out from us were children of God, and all I wish to say regarding their course is that they were drawn away as disciples of men who had taught perverse doctrines and practices. The most harmful enemies the church can have are those who rise up in her ranks. Such are not usually willing to withdraw and leave the church unmolested. They want as much company as they can get, and so they strive to carry as large a crowd with them as they can." - John R. Daily, Autobiography.

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Editor: Elder Claude Mckee Mail IconCopyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 29, 2009 )