The Baptists and Sunday school/Bible study groups
Although the Modern Baptist family in general accept all sorts of
organizations as helps in teaching/ preaching the gospel, the Baptist prior to
the late 1700's never did have such a practice as dividing into groups and a
lay person teach the bible to them. The common practice of the
Baptist was gospel preaching by an ordained minister in a gathering of the church, usually in a public
meeting house or in the home of one of the members. The Baptist also supported and
encouraged family worship at home conducted by the husband. I'm sure this will be a
startling statement to many who have only been taught by the modern Baptist but
never exposed to the practices of Baptist down through the ages. The
sincere enquirer of Baptist tradition and practices will discover that the
practices of Bible study/Sunday school, youth camps and all the other
organizations now in use among the Baptist family were not to be found among the
Baptist, from John the Baptist until the late 1700's.
Bad Language by Elder Claude McKee
, repent and be by Elder T. C. Mooney
Baptism, The mode of
by Elder C. H. Cayce
Baptists (American) founding fathers by Elder Claude McKee
Baptists (American) Heritage by Elder Claude McKee
History Misrepresented By Elder Claude McKee
content with old paths from the bits and pieces series#113 by Elder Ralph
changes in discipline by Francis Wayland 1896-1865 foreword by Elder Claude
Bars of Fellowship by Elder Ralph Harris
Becoming a
Child of God by Elder Claude McKee
Abraham Nugget #293 by Elder Ralph Harris
believe not, Ye because ye are not of my sheep". Popular religion puts it just the other way around. (Nugget 254) By Elder Ralph Harris
Believeth hath eternal life by Elder Brian Moore
the Bible by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Benefits of Affliction from the bits and pieces series by Elder Ralph Harris
of leaven, of Pharisee's by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Be not faithless by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Bible Classes, Examination of the support for in the Primitive Baptist Church
by Elder Claude Mckee
study and Minister meetings, Justifying their practice, by Elder Marty Smith
Schooling, Question answered by Elder S. T. Tolley
Bible Studies.
Big difference discussing scripture and having organized Bible Studies in the church. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Bible Study, Teaching and studying the
Scriptures Article by Elder Claude Mckee on the Scriptural manner in studying and teaching the scriptures.
study groups (A departure in faith and practice) by Elder Claude Mckee concerning organized bibles studies among the
Primitive Baptist
Missions part one by Elder Claude McKee
Biblical Missions
part two by Elder Claude McKee
Predestination by Elder Claude McKee
Big Meeting by
Brother A. Johnson
Blessed exception
by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Blessings and
Curses Deuteronomy 11 and 30 by Elder C. H. Cayce
Blind eye
witness by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Born blind by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Born of Water
by Elder Ralph Harris
Brenda Fordham,
Experiences of by Brenda Fordham