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Daily work by Elder Carl Arnold
Daniel Chapter 3 Scriptural lessons
Daniel Chapter 6 Scriptural lessons
Darkness by Travis Eye
Dcon  A good example of leaven by Elder Albert Wilson
Dead Wood The scriptures say that man who abideth not in the vine is cast forth as a branch. He will not leave on his own accord By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Death is Gain Nugget #52 by Elder Ralph Harris
Deuteronomy 11 and 30 by Elder C. H. Cayce
Declaration of rights by Elder Isaac Backus a proposal for the Massachusetts constitution in the year 1779
Defenders of Biblical Truths by Elder F. Baker
Did Bible preachers' work by Elder Robert Harlan
Discipline, The question has been asked Which has given the Primitive Baptist the most trouble - failing to teach and uphold the doctrine of grace or failing to teach and uphold the doctrine of discipline and practice, as taught by Christ and the Apostles?  by C. M. Mills (deceased) 
Discipline  - Changes in Baptist Church Discipline  This article is an excerpt taken from the book, Notes on the Baptist Principles and practices of Baptist Churches, written by Baptist Minister Francis Wayland (1796-1865). In this article he records some of his concerns about the changes in  Baptist Church discipline in his day. Although he was identified with the Fullerites of the 1800's, he shows some concerns that the Baptist have gone to far in their changes in several areas. This article addresses the changes in Baptist Discipline that he recognized.
Discipline Adultery and Fornication articles
        Adultery by Elder W. M. Mitchell
        Adultery and Fornication by Elder C. M. Mills
        Fornication  By Elder C. H. Cayce
        Corinthians 5-11 By Elder C. M. Mills
        Church discipline by Elder Claude McKee
        About the ministry - questions by Elder G. W. Stewart
Discipleship Proof of It is only as we devote our hearts and lives to acts of kindness and love to our brethren that we can be distinguished as true disciples.  by Elder Ralph Harris 
Disorderly Preachers By Elder G. W. Stewart
Do not forget by Elder George Hunt
Duration of Gods Love from the bits and pieces series #513 by Elder Ralph Harris
Duties and Obligations of the Elder by Elder C. M. Mills
Duties of the Church by Elder C. M. Mills
Duty and Authority of the Church The church has the authority and indeed the duty to maintain Godly discipline and defend against false doctrine and practices. By Elder Claude Mckee