Faith by Elder Wiley
W. Sammons
Faithful and Beloved from the bits and pieces series #500 by Elder Ralph
Faith from the
bits and pieces series #522 by Elder Ralph Harris
Faith is not a reward
Without faith both God’s Consolation and Hope is
unperceivable to the evil generation. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Faith - Is ours wrong?
The answer to this pertinent question was answered by Elder C. H. Cayce in 1908.
With a new set of reformers among the Primitive Baptists, his answer is timely
for us today.
Faith, be
not faithless by Elder Marty Hoogasian
from grace article 1 by Elder C. H. Cayce
from grace article 2 by Elder C. H. Cayce
Falling from grace article 3 by Elder C. H. Cayce
from grace article 4 by Elder C. H. Cayce
from grace article 5 by Elder C. H. Cayce
Falling from grace article 6 by Elder C. H. Cayce
Falling from grace article 7 by Elder C. H. Cayce
Falling from grace aritcle_8 by Elder C. H. Cayce
Falling from grace aritcle_9 by Elder C. H. Cayce
Falling from grace aritcle_10 by Elder C. H. Cayce
False Prophets Among Primitive Baptists by Elder Claude McKee
seeketh such by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Feeding or entertaining
The methods of popular religion deny the command to "feed my sheep" and
it does so by concentrating on entertainment rather than feeding. by Elder Brian Moore
Sheep by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Fellowship - Christian Elder C. M. Mills (Deceased)
Fenced Vineyard Elder C. H. Cayce
Few are
right and many are wrong There are still a few of us strange critters who are determined to stand for the truth
no matter what the majority thinks of us. bits and pieces # 448 by Elder Ralph Harris
Firm foundation
Our Lord that precious and sure foundation is laid in Zion so says God’s excellent word By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Fishing by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Titles by Elder Ralph Harris
Foreknow and Predestinate How wonderful
is the grace of God! How glorious are His works and ways! By Elder Ralph Harris
President Abraham Lincoln's Proclamation for a National Day of Fasting, Humiliation and
Prayer.---April 30, 1863. (bits and pieces series #421) by Elder Ralph Harris
Fornication and Adultery articles:
Adultery by Elder
J. E. Robbins
Adultery by
Elder W. M. Mitchell
and Fornication by Elder C. M. Mills
Fornication By Elder C. H. Cayce
discipline by Elder Claude McKee
Freely Speak
by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Freedom of Man's will Circular letter of the Philadelphia Association
(1783) by Samuel Jones
Fellowship, Christian by Elder C. M. Mills
Founding Principles,American by Elder Claude Mckee
Friend of
Sinners by Elder Ralph Harris
Full of Sap
by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Fulton meeting - rebuttal of false doctrines. In 1900 at the Fulton Kentucky
meeting of Primitive Baptist, the 1689 English Baptist Confession of faith was
adopted with explanatory notes added for clarification. The ministers approved
and added an appendix to their work at that meeting. The appendix is a
rebuttal to those in that day who claimed that the 1689 London Confession of
Faith embraced several false doctrines (i.e. predestination of all things,
two seedism, no time salvation, and no hell doctrine). Lately
some of these false doctrines are once again being revived among the Primitive
Baptist, which makes this historical document timely for us to read today.