The heart from the bits and pieces series #518 by Elder Ralph Harris
spread of the Gospel by Elder Claude McKee
Things believed from the bits and pieces series #518 by Elder Ralph Harris
out loud by Elder J. D. Morris
Time Salvation Elder C. H. Cayce
Time's swift Passage You who are young will be amazed at how soon you will find yourself among the older generation.by Elder Ralph
Tithing. Article by Elder Claude Mckee
The old testament practice of tithing is not a practice that is required of the New Testament church.
Tolley answers question about bible schools by Elder S. T. Tolley
much world in church by Elder C. H. Cayce
hard for God Nugget #221 by Elder Ralph Harris
Traditions of man - versus Old
Paths Review of several articles written by Elder
Lasserre. Bradley Jr. concerning the Old paths versus man made traditions. It is inferred that the
Primitive Baptist are following 50,100, 164 year old man made traditions rather than biblical teachings.
Visit this web site The Primitive Baptist Library,
for more information concerning stands being taken against the liberal movement by the Old line Primitive Baptist. You will
find resolutions and articles of our forefathers which reveal how they stood in their day. You will also see up to date
articles and resolutions by present day churches and Elders endeavoring to stem the
rapidly growing liberal/progressive movement among the Primitive Baptist.
Train up a Child by Elder Claude McKee
winepress alone by Elder Carl Arnold
Two Natures Inner and Outer by Elder S. F. Cayce
Two types of people by Elder Ralph Harris
and studying the word of God. Article by Elder Claude Mckee concerning the scriptural pattern for teachers and teaching the
word of God.