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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
June 2004

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  • Peach Tree Tea I have yet to know for sure just why she (mama) called it "Peach tree tea". But that's what she called it and I must say it had a lasting effect. by Elder Robert Harlan, (Deceased )

  • The Lord Knoweth them The very foundation of God stands sure and it bears a seal.  And part of that seal is that"the Lord knoweth them that are his From the Nugget series (238) by Elder Ralph Harris 

  • Born Blind It is possible for men to recall what they have been taught but it is impossible to generate faith to believe. bu Elder Marty Hoogasian

  • Bible Studies There is a quantum leap between discussing scriptures with a church member before or after services or in one’s home, and having organized Bible Studies in the church. by Elder Marty Hoogasian

 gold diamond Little thoughts Sound advice for all, especially the novice

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 Notable Quotes: The World owes you a living only when you have earned it.   (Author unknown) From The Baptist Trumpet

 Nuts for Arminians to Crack 
by Elder J. B. Hardy, Sr

#256 Are sinners made righteous by their obedience, or by the obedience of Christ?  (Roman 5:19)

thin line Editor: Elder Claude Mckee mail iconCopyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 18, 2009 )