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Essential Baptist Principles™
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
June 1, 2005
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Selected Articles
Weak but Strong?
The only times we are truly strong is when we are totally relying upon the Lord and are
fully conscious of our own weakness. Elder Ralph Harris
purpose of Preaching There is a glorious purpose in preaching, but that purpose is not the eternal salvation of souls. R.
H. Pittman bit and pieces #463 by Elder Ralph Harris
Daily work
hardships and tribulations a child of God goes through are not designed to break him. They are designed to give him a foundation
of experience and learning. by Elder Carl Arnold
Mount Rushmore I conclude that to some of God's people coming to the Church, the Kingdom of God, the stone cut out of the
mountain without hands, is muck like Mt. Rushmore to me. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Marvel Not
The Arminians would have this Scripture read: 'everyone that decides to be born of the Spirit can be like the wind and blow wherever
he will' by Elder Marty Hoogasian

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Acknowledgement of God
- Daniel Chapter 3
Notable Quotes:
Let it be tried a thousand times, and in nine hundred and ninety-nine cases
it will be found that preachers who aim at worldly honors will be completely ruined or greatly depreciated as preachers.
Robert Semple from 'History of the Baptist in Virginia'
Editor: Elder Claude Mckee Copyright
© 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 22, 2009