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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
August 2004

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  • Catholic This word literally means universal  By Elder Sylvester Hassell  1914

  • Lollipop  Salvation It is indeed sad that this type of man made religion is so appealing to the masses but then again the truth has never been popular  By Elder Brian Moore

  • Sitting and Clothed   When our Lord healed that demoniac the scriptures portray him as sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind. What a glorious truth is contained therein. by  Elder Marty Hoogasian

  • Foreknow and Predestinate   How wonderful is the grace of God!  How glorious are His works and ways! by Elder Ralph Harris 

  • Love the Brotherhood There must be a way that brethren may abuse their liberty making it a pretext or a veil to do injury or evil. by Elder Marty Hoogasian

  • Much People  Our text shows clearly that not all the inhabitants of Corinth were God’s people.  If they had been then there would have been no point whatsoever in the Lord telling Paul, "I have much people in this city."  by Elder Ralph Harris 

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Notable Quotes: "The Ninth Mark of the Apostolic Church was the possession of a humble, God-called and God-qualified ministry." History of the Church of God, Page 313, Elder Sylvester Hassell 

 Nuts for Arminians to Crack
by Elder J. B. Hardy, Sr

#75 If sinners are sent to hell for rejecting the gospel, would it not have been better for sinners if the gospel had not been preached?
#83 Can flesh and blood reveal Christ to a sinner? (Matthew 16:17)

thin line Editor: Elder Claude Mckee mail icon Copyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 18, 2009 )