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Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
July 2004

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  • Jesus Blessed Jesus   Experience in writing the song 'Jesus Blessed Jesus'  by the author Elder Ralph Harris

  • The Gates of  Zion   Why was Moses not allowed to enter into that which God had promised and revealed unto him? by Elder Marty Hoogasian 

  • ' My Kingdom is not of this world'   The true church is not a worldly organization.  How could it then have a worldly headquarters? By Elder Ralph Harris 

  • Beware of  Leaven Brethren, it seems that contending for the faith is the hardest work that a Brother or Sister can do in this world. Let’s pray to be found fighting the good fight of faith, laying hold on eternal life, whereunto we are called, having professed a good profession before many witnesses in our Lord’s Church. By Elder Marty Hoogasian

gold diamond Little thoughts  Secret of  Pastoring  a Church

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Petitioning the Government

Notable Quotes: “If we should walk always upon soft paths and find no rough stones in our way we would become perfectly content with our present state and remiss in seeking the things which are above." Elder John R. Daily, 1923 (Copied from the Advocate and messenger, April 1982)

 Nuts for Arminians to Crack 
by Elder J. B. Hardy, Sr

#253 If we become righteous by obedience to a law, is there such a thing as imputed righteousness?
#254 Does not God impute righteousness without works? (Roman 4:6)

thin line Editor: Elder Claude Mckee mail iconCopyright © 2001 [Essential Baptist Principles]. All rights reserved. (Revised:September 18, 2009 )