Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

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Monthly 'Current articles' 

Volume Issue Date Title and Author
2 9 08/01/2003

The question has been asked   Which has given the Primitive Baptists the most trouble - failing to teach and uphold the doctrine of grace or failing to teach and uphold the doctrine of discipline and practice, as taught by Christ and the Apostles?  by C. M. Mills (deceased)

3 Issue 8/1/2004 Instrumental Music Why do the primitive Baptists object to the use of instrumental music in the church? by Elder C. M. Mills
4 Issue5 5/1/2005 Christian Fellowship  by Elder C. M. Mills (Deceased)
6 Issue1 1/1/2007 Duties and obligations of the Elder, Preacher, Pastor of the Church of Jesus Christ,  by Elder C. M. Mills
7 Issue6 6/1/2008 God's gift by Elder C. M. Mills (Deceased)
7 Issue8 8/1/2008 Duties of the Church by Elder C. M. Mills (Deceased)
8 Issue9 09/01/2009 Adultery and fornication by Elder C. M. Mills
10 Issue1 01/01/2011 Election by Elders Wiley Sammons and C. M. Mills
10 Issue8 08/01/2011 The resurrection of the dead by Elder C. M. Mills
10 Issue11 11/01/2011  Adoption by Elder C. M. Mills (Deceased)
11 Issue7 07/01/2012 The Primitive or original Baptist Church by Elder C. M. Mills

'Selected articles' series


Purpose of the Gospel By Elder C. M. Mills