Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

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Volume Issue  Date  Title and Author

 'Selected articles' series

1/1/2004 Holy Brethren    The Old Church is made up of those that God hath saved, and called with an holy calling . by Elder   Marty Hoogasian
 2/1/2004 Obedient Children  We should all rejoice when we see children of God walking in truth and love. By Elder Marty Hoogasian 
 3/1/2004 Knit together  When one hears the good news of the gospel of their salvation and delights in it there are those with whom they might have their souls knit together in the Kingdom of His dear Son. by Elder Marty Hoogasian 
4/1/2004 Lively Stones   'It is our Lord’s will to build His Church. It is a spiritual house comprised of lively stones, built up'.  by Elder Marty Hoogasian 
4/1/2004 Jesus' Walk   The "religious world" will not embrace the truth that Christ died to save his people, the elect from their sins.  By Elder Marty Hoogasian
5/1/2004 Smooth Things   Do we seek to please men? If we yet please men, then we are not the servants of Christ By Elder Marty Hoogasian
5/1/2004 Faith is not a reward Without faith both God’s Consolation and Hope is unperceivable to the evil generation. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
6/1/2004 Born Blind   It is possible for men to recall what they have been taught but it is impossible to generate faith to believe.  By Elder Marty Hoogasian
6/1/2004 Bible Studies There is a quantum leap between discussing scriptures with a church member before or after services or in one’s home, and having organized Bible Studies in the church. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
7/1/2004 The Gates of  Zion    Why was Moses not allowed to enter into that which God had promised and revealed unto him? by Elder Marty Hoogasian 
7/1/2004 Beware of  Leaven Brethren, it seems that contending for the faith is the hardest work that a Brother or Sister can do in this world. Let’s pray to be found fighting the good fight of faith, laying hold on eternal life, whereunto we are called, having professed a good profession before many witnesses in our Lord’s Church. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
 8/1/2004 Sitting and Clothed   When our Lord healed that demoniac the scriptures portray him as sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind. What a glorious truth is contained therein. by  Elder Marty Hoogasian
 8/1/2004 Love the Brotherhood  There must be a way that brethren may abuse their liberty making it a pretext or a veil to do injury or evil. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
 9/1/2004 Precious Stones    The elect are cemented as lively stones onto that foundation [Jesus Christ] with the most precious mortar. That bond is made perfect by the blood of the Lamb. by Elder Marty Hoogasian 
 9/1/2004 Peace in the Household of Faith  And a man's foes shall be they of his own household...  by Elder Marty Hoogasian
 10/1/2004 One of  Ourselves   I don’t see Paul saying that this Cretian prophet ([Possibly] Epimenides) is one of us. He is called one of themselves, one of the Cretians. by  Elder Marty Hoogasian
 10/1/2004 What is the Gospel The wisdom of the world cannot unseal the things contained therein anymore than they can discover the Truth or rejoice in the good news of the gospel of our salvation By Elder Marty Hoogasian
 11/1/2004 Firm foundation Our Lord that precious and sure foundation is laid in Zion so says God’s excellent word  By Elder Marty Hoogasian
 11/1/2004 Dead Wood  The scriptures say that man who abideth not in the vine is cast forth as a branch. He will not leave on his own accord    By Elder Marty Hoogasian
 12/1/2004 Israel of God  For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel    By Elder Marty Hoogasian
 12/1/2004 Sent forth by Holy Ghost Some might think ministers are sent forth by the Church. This passage will not support that erroneous thinking    By Elder Marty Hoogasian


God's Peculiar Treasure Though many are blessed with such a great deliverance those who are God’s peculiar treasure and a holy nation are but a Little Flock  by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Gospel labour  There must by necessity be a way to labor in the gospel without taking the stand and preaching among those that have been clearly marked as disorderly.    By Elder Marty Hoogasian


The world and Election If election is far from them, then so is grace. by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Be ye angry and sin not   A child of God can indeed be angered by sin. by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Winds and sea obey  All men ought to obey God but we know that all man will not obey God. 
by Elder Marty Hoogasian


The vision of all   Surely there must be great benefit from reading the vision of all, especially to those that are loved of the Lord by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Manifestly approved  Some will try to advocate the heresy that God predestinated many [or all] things
by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Wise in this world    Fishermen and tax collectors were among the vocations of those whom our Lord called to be apostles in the primitive church by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Chosen in Him  He neither lived for the multitudes nor did He die for the multitudes but He died for those chosen in Him before the world began.  by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Separate thyself    'let there be no strife for we are brethren. Is not the whole land before thee? SEPARATE thyself I pray thee from me' by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Mount Rushmore  I conclude that to some of God's people coming to the Church, the Kingdom of God, the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, is muck like Mt. Rushmore to me.  by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Marvel Not    The Arminians would have this Scripture read: 'everyone that decides to be born of the Spirit can be like the wind and blow wherever he will' by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Profitable  Today many are learning to profit without working at all. This fosters ingrates and unprofitable servants of the state.  by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Feeding sheep   The poor little child of God is happy with the crumbs that fall from the Master’s table. He realizes that it is by grace that he receives even his daily necessities. by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Gentle Savior     Scripture doesn’t contain the word gentleman but if anyone fits that description, it is our Lord.  by Elder Marty


Ministered to the Lord   If He is your Lord and if you have seen one of the least of these brethren, and have in some merciful way been a blessing to them, then you have ministered to the Lord. by Elder Marty Hoogasian


 Walking in the light   The darkness that natural man abides in is indeed a powerful darkness  by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Full of sap   The trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord are not always readily apparent to our observation by Elder Marty Hoogasian


Pure religion  The scripture doesn’t say that pure religion is to simply spend time amongst those that have suffered loss. God said visit them in their affliction.  by Elder Marty Hoogasian


The Father seeketh such  It is by the grace of God that anyone has a home in the Lord’s Church. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
11/1/2005 I go a fishing  They said unto him, we also go with thee by Elder Marty Hoogasian
11/1/2005 Confusion of faces  He causes His face to shine upon us not because we have set our face to seek Him; but rather in order that we could set our face to seek Him.. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
01/01/2006 He shall deliver up Today, as yesterday there are some that find it incredible that the King has His Kingdom on earth. They preach of the "millennial kingdom" which God shall bring down from heaven. That is far from the Scriptural Kingdom, according to Scriptures.  by Elder Marty Hoogasian
01/01/2006 There is a continuing city  Our Lord promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church.   By Elder Marty Hoogasian


Rich indeed All the money in the world couldn’t buy the good news of Jesus Christ that the poor lame man received that day.   By Elder Marty Hoogasian


Blind eye witness  Consider the record of Malchus in John 18 the 26th verse. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
 03/01/2006 Be not Faithless If a man could lose the faith that he was given as fruit of the Spirit, then he could likewise be able to lose Salvation By Elder Marty Hoogasian


The blessed exception Thankfully, there is an exception, Jesus Christ our Lord. By Elder Marty Hoogasian


A New Creature Man despite all his witty inventions has fallen far from his position of goodness wherein God created him. By Elder Marty Hoogasian


Gates of Nain Nain means beauty By Elder Marty Hoogasian


Freely Speak Today seminaries teach foreign languages to men believing that by so doing that Christ can be brought to every nation under heaven. The languages of man can be learned and spoken; but no teacher but God can teach a man to embrace the gospel. By Elder Marty Hoogasian


Centuries of Resurrections Christ need not walk the sands of time to heal the sick and raise the dead. He is still as powerful today as he was yesterday and before there was a day. By Elder Marty Hoogasian


He heals the blind There were no doubt many sighted who saw the good works of the Lord and found no desire to follow him or call upon Him. These blind men who could have never seen one of our Lord’s good works were still endowed with faith to call upon the Lord. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
 07/01/2006  Like unto Him The inward desires of the heart are given to those that delight in the Lord (Psalms 37:4). By Elder Marty Hoogasian
08/01/2006 Availing The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. But do all those that have been made righteous and given a hope in Christ avail themselves of the blessings of prayer?  By Elder Marty Hoogasian
09/01/2006 Irresistible The call from death unto life is a command of God. That command cannot be resisted  By Elder Marty Hoogasian
10/01/2006 Love thy neighbour The law doesn’t make a man compassionate, anymore than the law will make one love the Lord  By Elder Marty Hoogasian
11/01/2006 Believing the Bible Elder Marty Hoogasian