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Call of Minister by Elder R. H. Pittman
Calling It applies only to Gods elect.  by Elder Ralph Harris from the nugget series (#280)
The calling and sending of a minister by Elder Claude McKee
Cannot Sin by Elder M. Mitchell
Cast down  but not destroyed From the Nugget series (230) by Elder Ralph Harris 
Catholic The word means universal Elder Sylvester Hassell
Cause of Division by Sylvester Hassell - from the bits and pieces series #202 by Elder Ralph Harris
Centuries of resurrections by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Changes in Alabama Churches by Elder Claude McKee
Changes in Baptist discipline by Prominent Baptist Minister Francis Wayland - Foreword by Elder Claude McKee
Changing Times by Elder Wiley Sammons
Charity Love   by Elder Claude Mckee.  Emphasis on our showing true love by keeping God's commands
Child of God, becoming one  by Elder Claude McKee
Children of Promise Elder J. H. Oliphant from the bits and pieces series #532 by Elder Ralph Harris
Chosen and predestinated by Elder C. H. Cayce
Chosen in Him  He neither lived nor died for the multitudes but He died for those chosen in Him before the world began. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Christian Fellowship by Elder C. M. Mills
Christian First called at Antioch by Elder Claude McKee
Christian nation, is America one? by Elder Claude McKee
Christ our example from the bits and pieces series #488 by Elder Ralph Harris
Church Discipline by Elder C. H. Cayce
Church discipline Adultery and Fornication articles
        Adultery by Elder W. M. Mitchell
        Adultery and Fornication by Elder C. M. Mills
        Fornication  By Elder C. H. Cayce
        Corinthians 5-11 By Elder C. M. Mills
        Church discipline by Elder Claude McKee
Church Home by Elder Leon Clevenger
Church - How to find the true gospel church by Elder Wiley W. Sammons
Church Incorporation and religious liberty by Elder Claude McKee
Church Identity by Elder E. B. Watts
Church and Politics by Elder Claude McKee
Church Sovereignty   by Elder C. H. Cayce concerning the church and its sovereignty.
Church Sovereignty   (Little Thoughts) by Elder J. S. Newman
Circular letter on free will by Elder Samuel Jones for the Philadephia Association  in 1784
Comforting words for sinners by Elder J. Daily from the bits and pieces series #511 by Elder Ralph Harris
Commission (An evident truth) by Elder Ralph Harris
Communism and Socialism Comments by Elder Claude McKee and article by Elder C. H. Cayce in 1937 about government encroachment on land rights
Confusion of faces by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Congregational Singing by Francis Wayland
Contending for the faith  (Excerpt from Elder Walter Cash Auto/Sermons 1925)
Continuing City by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Commemorating Jesus Death  The Lord nowhere instructed anyone to commemorate His birth. by Elder Ralph Harris 
Cross - As Jesus hung there Some thoughts on the words of our Lord, as He hung on the cross. by Elder Chuck Campbell
Cremation by Elder Berwyn Hand
Cremation - A  question about by Elder Ralph Harris