Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures


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Monthly 'Current articles' 

Volume Issue Date  Title and Author
 5  Issue 2 2/1/2006 How to find the true Gospel Church   The true Apostolic Church still exists here in the present world, but the great question is "Where is it, and how can it be distinguished from the so-called of the world that wear the name?" Elder Wiley Sammons
  6 Issue8 8/1/2007 God is sovereign Elder Wiley W. Sammons
6 Issue12 12/1/2007  Seminaries and Salaries   Elder Wiley Sammons
7 Issue5 5/1/2008 What think ye of Christ Elder Wiley W. Sammons
7 Issue7 07/3/08 Associations History Churches Elder Wiley Sammons
8 Issue 1 01/01/09 Reconciliation by Elder Wiley Sammons
8 Issue 6 06/01/09 Redemption by Elder Wiley Sammons
8 Issue 7 07/01/2009 Changing Times by Elder Wiley Sammons
9 Issue12 12/01/2010 The love of God by Elder Wiley Sammons
10 Issue1 01/01/2011 Election by Elders Wiley Sammons and Elder C. M. Mills
10 Issue6 06/01/2011 Faith by Elder Wiley Sammons

 'Selected articles' series