Essential Baptist Principles™ |
Monthly 'Current articles'
Volume |
Issue |
Date |
Title and Author |
2 | 7Special | 06/05/2003 | A Plague among us by Elder Ralph Harris |
3 | Issue6 | 6/12004 | Born of Water From the Advocate and Messenger , August 1976 by Elder Ralph Harris |
4 | Issue6 | 6/1/2005 | To whom was the great commission given? By Elder Ralph Harris |
'Selected articles' series
08/18/2003 | Another Jesus From the nugget series (nugget 201) written by Elder Ralph Harris |
09/13/2003 | An evident truth If the Lord sends a man on a mission, He will see to it that the man's needs are met in the field where he is sent. - Elder Ralph Harris |
12/1/2003 | Things highly esteemed among men From the nugget series ( 63) by Elder Ralph Harris |
12/1/2003 | God's will not man's From the nugget series (96) by Elder Ralph Harris |
1/1/2004 | Content with the old way The first New Testament Church was a Baptist Church. By Elder Ariel West ( From Bits and Pieces #113 by Elder Ralph Harris) |
2/1/2004 | God of all flesh They say Christ wants to save all mankind but can’t because they won’t let Him. Therefore according to them, the answer to the question, "Is there anything too hard for the Lord," is Yes. From the nugget series (221) by Elder Ralph Harris |
3/1/2004 | No place to quit If the Lord has called us to a task, let us do it with our might, even if we seem to be making little progress. From the bits and pieces series (#260) By Elder Ralph Harris |
3/1/2004 | Eternal life a promise God would not have promised eternal life without having particular persons in mind to whom He was directing that promise. From the nugget series (227) By Elder Ralph Harris |
4/1/2004 | Cast down God's people need to remember that ultimate victory over all imaginable foes is theirs, and the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. by Elder Ralph Harris |
4/1/2004 | Proof of Discipleship It is only as we devote our hearts and lives to acts of kindness and love to our brethren that we can be distinguished as true disciples. by Elder Ralph Harris |
5/1/2004 | Commemorating Jesus Death 'the Lord nowhere instructed anyone to commemorate His birth, yet the world makes the supposed remembrance of that occasion the most celebrated time of the year'. by Elder Ralph Harris |
5/1/2004 | Bars of Fellowship As touching resolutions of non-fellowship I observe two extremes. One is to make a test of fellowship out of almost everything. The other is to make a test of fellowship out of almost nothing. by Elder Ralph Harris |
6/1/2004 | The Lord Knoweth them The very foundation of God stands sure and it bears a seal. And part of that seal is that "the Lord knoweth them that are his . From the Nugget series (238) by Elder Ralph Harris |
7/1/2004 | Jesus Blessed Jesus Experience in writing the song 'Jesus Blessed Jesus' by the author Elder Ralph Harris |
7/1/2004 | My Kingdom is not of this world' The true church is not a worldly organization. How could it then have a worldly headquarters? By Elder Ralph Harris |
8/1/2004 | Foreknow and Predestinate How wonderful is the grace of God! How glorious are His works and ways! by Elder Ralph Harris |
8/1/2004 |
Much People Our text shows clearly that not all the inhabitants of Corinth were God’s people. If they had been then there would have been no point whatsoever in the Lord telling Paul, "I have much people in this city." by Elder Ralph Harris |
9/1/2004 | Hope -- A Precious Gift Hope is a very precious and wonderful thing, and regardless of what others may say about it, "Hope maketh not ashamed By Elder Ralph Harris |
10/1/2004 | Cause of Division Opposition to error was not the cause of division, but the error itself was the cause. by Elder Sylvester Hassell. From the bits and pieces series (#202) by Elder Ralph Harris |
10/1/2004 | Grace leads to a Godly Life Dear young soldiers, go on in this way and prove by your lives that grace leads to a godly life and not a sinful one -- Elder William H. Crouse ( Zion's Advocate, 1903) From the bits and pieces series (#194) by Elder Ralph Harris |
11/1/2004 | God so love the World This is the clear statement that the believer is already in possession of everlasting life by Elder T. S. Dalton From the bits and pieces series (#372) by Elder Ralph Harris |
11/1/2004 | Proud Boasting A vain and proud attitude toward ones own appearance, or achievements, is a stench in the nostrils of God By Elder Ralph Harris |
11/1/2004 | Item of interest The Acknowledgement of God in our State Constitutions |
12/1/2004 | The Spirit quickeneth In the clear light of the Scriptures a man would have to be blind to argue that the preaching of the gospel is necessary in order for dead sinners to be regenerated. by Elder Ralph Harris |
12/1/2004 | Knoweth God It is given unto some to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to others it is not given By Elder Ralph Harris |
12/1/2004 | Time's swift Passage You who are young will be amazed at how soon you will find yourself among the older generation. by Elder Ralph Harris |
1/1/2005 |
Seeking Great things? The seeking of great things for ourselves is an example of self-exaltation, and the Scriptures tell us plainly that "whoever exalteth himself shall be abased". by Elder Ralph Harris |
1/1/2005 |
To live is Christ to die is Gain There is no joy greater than serving Christ Jesus, and no happier prospect than being with Him . by Elder Ralph Harris |
2/1/2005 |
Reverend The only name we read of in the Scriptures that is "holy and reverend" is the Lord's (Psalm 111:9). by Elder Ralph Harris |
2/1/2005 |
Pray for God's servants The minister cannot preach acceptably, nor can the people hear aright without divine help. by Elder Ralph Harris |
2/1/2005 |
We have forgotten God President Abraham Lincoln's Proclamation for a National Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer.---April 30, 1863. From the bits and pieces series (#421) by Elder Ralph Harris |
3/1/2005 |
Few are right and many are wrong There are still a few of us strange critters who are determined to stand for the truth no matter what the majority thinks of us. bits and pieces # 448 by Elder Ralph Harris |
3/1/2005 |
Obedience to the truth The gospel is much more than just an exposition of the wonderful decrees and counsels of God with no practical application. by Elder Ralph Harris |
4/1/2005 |
Where do they go? The preaching of the gospel, even the Arminian’s version of it, has nothing whatsoever to do with anyone's eternal destiny. by Elder Ralph Harris |
4/1/2005 |
Obey God rather than Man When anyone requests, urges or demands that we do anything contrary to "thus saith the Lord," we are duty bound to obey God rather than man. by Elder Ralph Harris |
5/1/2005 |
Special People? Hence, if the Lord has singled us out His, for special favors, we may also expect that the world will single us out for its special contempt. by Elder Ralph Harris |
5/1/2005 |
Acknowledge Him Proverbs 3:6, The clear implication is that if we do not acknowledge Him in all our ways, then we cannot expect Him to direct our paths. by Elder Ralph Harris |
5/1/2005 |
Exhortation to stay in Old Paths Some have even gotten ashamed of the old doctrine of grace and have assayed to lift us up out of the old ruts, and put us on a high plane of prosperity. by Elder T. S. Dalton (Bit and Pieces #453 by Ralph Harris) |
6/1/2005 |
Weak but Strong? The only times we are truly strong is when we are totally relying upon the Lord and are fully conscious of our own weakness. by Elder Ralph Harris |
6/1/2005 |
Glorious purpose of Preaching There is a glorious purpose in preaching, but that purpose is not the eternal salvation of souls. R. H. Pittman bit and pieces #463 by Elder Ralph Harris |
7/1/2005 |
Love shed abroad in our hearts The love of God is not in a man’s heart until the Lord puts it there. And if a person does not have it, he does not want it, for he knows nothing about it . by Elder Ralph Harris |
7/1/2005 |
Only one Mediator Mourners' Benches were invented by modern Arminians at the close of the 18th century. They were unknown before that time. Elder S. Hassell (bits and pieces #469) by Elder Ralph Harris |
8/1/2005 | It is God that showeth Mercy If you don't have the love of God in your heart, then you are not interested in His mercy, and don't feel any need of it. by Elder Ralph Harris |
8/1/2005 | A system that will never save anyone Those who preach that God has done all that He intends to do for the sinner in providing a Saviour, and now requires the sinner to make the start, preach a system that will never save a sinner who is enmity against God. Elder John R. Daily (Bit and pieces #474 by Elder Ralph Harris) |
9/1/2005 |
Absurdity Those who are in the love and service of sin could not rest from the burden of their sins, because they are not burdened with them. Elder J. R. Daily bits and pieces #506 by Elder Ralph Harris |
9/1/2005 |
Better to know before speaking It is important that we not take a dogmatic stand on any Bible subject or make any positive pronouncements with regard to it until we know all that is taught about it in the Scriptures by Elder Ralph Harris |
9/1/2005 |
Able to deliver There are still men and women today, and I hope I am among them, who have the same confidence in the Lord as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. by Elder Ralph Harris |
10/1/2005 |
Things we believe We all believe that we should stand aloof from the world with all of its institutions, religious or secret oath-bound orders. Elder Lee Hanks, bits and pieces #510 by Elder Ralph Harris |
10/1/2005 |
Heareth and believeth The hearing and believing of this verse are evidences of divine life, not the causes of divine life. by Elder Ralph Harris |
10/1/2005 |
Christ our example Everything Christ did was done honorably and with great dignity. by Elder Ralph Harris |
11/1/2005 |
Comforting words for sinners You are not to rest in yourselves, but in your blessed Lord Elder J. R. Daily, bits and pieces #511 by Elder Ralph Harris |
11/1/2005 | The duration of God's Love One of the ways in which the greatness of God's love for His people may be seen is in its duration. It is an "everlasting love" by Elder Ralph Harris |
11/1/2005 | Before Abraham was I AM to God’s humble followers the deity of Christ is a precious truth. by Elder Ralph Harris |
12/1/2005 |
Calling It applies only to God’s elect. No man can make it apply to anyone else without willfully wresting the Scriptures. by Elder Ralph Harris |
12/1/2005 |
Praying submissively May He ever help us, both in our prayers and in every other aspect of our lives, to be humbly submissive to His inerrant will Elder Ralph Harris |
01/01/2006 | The friend of sinners He is still choosing the "weak and base things of the world and things which are despised." This has always confused, confounded and enraged "the mighty" of earth, and it always will. by Elder Ralph Harris |
01/01/2006 | A faithful and beloved brother A great deal can be said for the man who truly is a "faithful and beloved brother." by Elder Ralph Harris |
02/01/2006 | The author known and loved The Bible is the greatest book ever written. Those who are known of the Author and love him love the Book. by Elder Ralph Harris |
02/01/2006 | Lowest Seat T he lowest seat is the safest place in the house of God . by Elder James J. Gilbert. From the bits and pieces series(#472) by Elder Ralph Harris |
02/01/2006 | Question about cremation I have never personally known of a devout Primitive Baptist being cremated, and I think I can say with reasonable certainty that, as a body, they are very much opposed to it.. by Elder Ralph Harris |
03/01/2006 | Why grumble There are some who say, "It is hard (unjust) for God to choose some and leave others." by Elder Ralph Harris |
03/01/2006 | A system of Bondage Any religion, which maintains that souls are saved eternally on the basis of the efforts of men, is a system of bondage. by Elder Ralph Harris |
03/01/2006 |
titles The word "reverend" appears only one time in the Bible and is only applied to God
by Elder Ralph Harris |
04/01/2006 | Matthew 23:37 A curse is here pronounced upon them by Jesus for their rebellion. by Elder J. R. Daily from the bits and pieces series (520) Elder Ralph Harris |
04/01/2006 | Hope seen is not hope Among worldly religions hope is often looked upon with some scorn or even ridicule, and it is frequently argued that we must have something more than hope . by Elder Ralph Harris |
05/01/2006 | Apt to teach Poor judgment has often been used in ordaining men to the ministry. From the bits and pieces series (#521) Elder Ralph Harris |
05/01/2006 | The Heart No matter how much a man is deceived by his own heart, it never deceives God. From the bits and pieces (#518) series. by Elder Ralph Harris |
05/01/2006 | All things It does not seem reasonable to me to say that good things work together with evil things, and that consequently everything we do and everything that happens to us during our lifetime, whether good or bad, turns out for our good. Elder Ralph Harris |
06/01/2006 | God's way of Salvation How can anyone believe that the Father laid the sins of every human being on Christ and required Him to suffer for them when He knew that untold millions of them would later be required to suffer the same penalty for the same sins in hell? Elder Ralph Harris |
06/01/2006 | Preservation of the Saints A case has never been more thoroughly and undeniably proven than that of the preservation and security of the saints From the bits and pieces series (#491). by Elder Ralph Harris |
07/01/2006 | Children of Promise Every new birth is but the fulfillment of a promise. Elder J H Oliphant/ bits and pieces #532 by Elder Ralph Harris |
07/01/2006 | A vital key I once heard an old preacher say, "In the Lord’s kingdom the way down is up, and the way up is down. " by Elder Ralph Harris |
08/01/2006 | The purpose of the Gospel The gospel is never instrumental in anyone's regeneration, but it is instrumental in enlightening and instructing in the truth those who have already been given divine life by the Spirit of God. by Elder Ralph Harris |
08/01/2006 | A stranger here When we consider these and a host of other evils and injustices in the world we are very forcefully reminded of just how much of a stranger we who try to serve the Lord are here in this worldly environment. by Elder Ralph Harris |
09/01/2006 | Unsearchable I often think of the unspeakable magnitude of His love, mercy and kindness to a wretch like me. by Elder Ralph Harris |
09/01/2006 | Faith True believers are blest above measure in that they are, by faith, as certain of God's existence and as assured of His divine attributes as if they had seen Him face to face. by Elder Ralph Harris |
10/01/2006 | A good warfare The primary part of a child of God’s warfare is internal, between the flesh and the Spirit. by Elder Ralph Harris |
10/01/2006 | Gifts of God There is a sense in which the preaching of the true gospel can perfect the saints, but it cannot create the saints. by Elder Ralph Harris |
11/01/2006 | Two types of people Do you, dear one, sometimes question in your mind which side of the fence you are on; whether you are one of the Lord's little ones or if you are one of that other crowd? by Elder Ralph Harris |
11/01/2006 | All things common Sylvester Hassell, From the bit and pieces series #480 by Elder Ralph Harris |
12/01/2006 | Straying ones correctedThe shepherd loves the straying sheep as well as the others. by Elder Ralph Harris |
01/01/2007 | God is Immutable The apostle James tells us that with God there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. From the bits and pieces series #539 by Elder Ralph Harris |