Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

A chronological list of 'Current Articles' appearing on the Essential Baptist Principles website

12/01/2002 New Missionary Movement Today's Primitive Baptist movement by Elder Claude McKee
01/01/2003 Charity (Love) by Elder Claude McKee
02/01/2003 Progressive movement Contending for the faith (Excerpt from Elder Walter Cash Auto/Sermons 1925)
03/01/2003 Changes in Baptist Church Discipline (Excerpt -'Notes on the Principles and Practices of Baptist Churches by Francis Wayland
04/01/2003 Fulton rebuttal of false doctrine's The appendix to the 1900 Fulton Kentucky Primitive Baptist meeting/Confession of faith.
05/01/2003 Studying and Teaching by Elder Claude McKee
06/01/2003 Practices- Religious Youth Camps by Elder Claude McKee -
06/05/2003 Plague among us special by Elder Ralph Harris
07/01/2003 Practices Tithing (Not a sanctioned New Testament practice) by Elder Claude Mckee
08/01/2003 Church discipline question asked Which has given the Primitive Baptists the most trouble - by C. M. Mills (deceased)
09/01/2003 Practices - Salaried Ministry. Do the scriptures obligate us to pay a salary to the God Called Minister? by Elder Claude McKee
10/01/2003 Practices - Secret Societies A review of the Primitive Baptists stand against secret orders. By Elder Claude McKee
11/01/2003 Practices - Sermon Outlines Should a minister use Sermon outlines. by Elder Claude McKee
12/01/2003 Is our Faith wrong? Answered by Elder C. H. Cayce concerning progressive measures in the early 1900's.
01/01/2004 Church Duty and authority by Elder Claude McKee
02/01/2004 America Whom will you serve. by Elder Claude McKee
03/01/2004 Cannot Sin by Elder W. M. Mitchell "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin;...."
04/01/2004 Congregational singing without the aid of musical instruments abandoned by the majority of Baptists
05/01/2004 Work of God "This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent." John 6:29 by Elder Leon H.Clevenger
06/01/2004 Born of Water From the Advocate and Messenger , August 1976 by Elder Ralph Harris
07/01/2004 Practices ministerial training - Changes in Baptist practice by Elder Claude McKee
08/01/2004 Instrumental Music Why do the primitive Baptists object to instrumental music in the church? by Elder C. M. Mills
09/01/2004 Primitive Preacher - Address to young preachers Written by Elder Gregg M. Thompson
10/01/2004 H. E. Harris Letter A letter written to his son about God's foreknowledge after witnessing an awful plane crash
11/01/2004 Examination of the support for Bible Classes in the Primitive Baptist Church by Elder Claude Mckee
12/01/2004 Becoming a Child of God? How does a person become one by Elder Claude McKee
01/01/2005 Fenced Vineyard Elder C. H. Cayce
02/01/2005 Organ music in the Church By Walter Cash Copied out of the Editorial Writings of Elder C. H. Cayce
03/01/2005 Gospel Labor - Laboring for Peace by Elder Claude McKee
04/01/2005 Should be marked Copied from Editorial writings of Elder C. H. Cayce Volume VI page 301
05/01/2005 Christian Fellowship Elder C. M. Mills (Deceased)
06/01/2005 Great commission - To whom was it given? By Elder Ralph Harris
07/01/2005 Reprobation By Elder John R. Daily in the 1902 issue of Zion's Advocate
08/01/2005 Church Incorporation and religious liberty by Elder Claude McKee
09/01/2005 Time Salvation Elder C. H. Cayce
10/01/2005 Hitchcock D. L. Biographical The life of Elder D. L. Hitchcock (Part 1 of 4)
11/01/2005 Hitchcock D. L. Biographical The life of Elder D. L. Hitchcock (Part 2 of 4)
12/01/2005 Hitchcock D. L. Biographical The life of Elder D. L. Hitchcock (Part 3 of 4)
01/01/2006 Hitchcock D. L. Biographical The life of Elder D. L. Hitchcock (Part 4 of 4)
02/01/2006 How to find the true gospel church by Elder Wiley W. Sammons
03/01/2006 Address to the Primitive Baptists (part 1of 3) by Elder G. M. Thompson
04/01/2006 Address to the Primitive Baptists (part 2of 3) by Elder G. M. Thompson
05/01/2006 Address to the Primitive Baptists (part 3 of 3) by Elder G. M. Thompson
06/01/2006 Election and Predestination_part_1 by Elder C. H. Cayce
07/01/2006 Election and Predestination_part_2 by Elder C. H. Cayce
08/01/2006 Election and Predestination_part_3 by Elder C. H. Cayce
09/01/2006 Election and Predestination_part_4 by Elder C. H. Cayce
10/01/2006 Election and Predestination_part_5 bye Elder C. H. Cayce
11/01/2006 The calling and sending of a minister by Elder Claude McKee
12/01/2006 Historic letter Elder G. M. Thompson to Elder S. F. Cayce
01/01/2007 Duties and obligations of Preacher, pastor By Elder C. M. Mills (deceased)
02/01/2007 Join house to house By Elder C. H. Cayce
03/01/2007 Respecter of persons by Elder C. H. Cayce
04/01/2007 Biblical Predestination by Elder Claude McKee
05/01/2007 Eternal Punishment Council to consider
06/01/2007 Circular letter on the freedom of Man's will Philadelphia Assoc (1783) by Samuel Jones
07/01/2007 What do you say? Elder C. H. Cayce concerning lax discipline -- comment by Elder Claude McKee
08/01/2007 God is sovereign Elder Wiley W. Sammons
09/01/2007 Did bible preachers work Elder Robert Harlan
10/01/2007 His promises are sure Elder Robert Harlan
11/01/2007 Nashville Peace meeting recommendations
12/01/2007 Seminaries and Salaries Elder Wiley Sammons
01/01/2008 Watson letter to Elder David Benedict
02/01/2008 Baptist History - Primitive(Usually misrepresented by Baptist Historians and other writers
03/01/2008 Defenders of biblical truths Elder Claude McKee (with an excerpt from Griffins history of the Mississippi Primitive Baptists
04/01/2008 American Baptist Heritage by Elder Claude McKee
05/01/2008 What think ye of Christ? by Elder Wiley W. Sammons
06/01/2008 God's Gift by Elder C. M. Mills
07/01/2008 Association History of churches by Elder Wiley Sammons
08/01/2008 Duties of the Church by Elder C. M. Mills
09/01/2008 History repeats itself by Elder C. H. Cayce
10/01/2008 Historic view of today's liberal Primitive Baptist movement by Elder Claude McKee
11/01/2008 Too much worldliness in the church by Elder C. H. Cayce
12/01/2008 Chosen and predestinated by Elder C. H. Cayce
01/01/2009 Reconciliation by Elder Wiley Sammons
02/01/2009 Old-fashioned service by Elder C. H. Cayce
03/01/2009 American Baptist and the founding fathers by Elder Claude Mckee
04/01/2009 Liberty of conscience - Baptist forefathers Elder Isaac Backup - foreword by Elder Claude McKee
05/01/2009 Bible schooling question Elder S. T. Tolley
06/01/2009 Redemption by Elder Wiley Sammons
07/01/2009 Changing Times by Elder Wiley Sammons
08/01/2009 Glorification by Elder E. B. Watts
09/01/2009 Adultery and fornication by Elder C. M. Mills
10/01/2009 Mode of Baptism by Elder C. H. Cayce
11/01/2009 Church Discipline by Elder C. H. Cayce
12/01/2009 Help Meet by Elder Claude McKee
01/01/2010 Declaration of rights by Elder Isaac Backus - foreword by Elder Claude McKee
02/01/2010 Fornication - I Corinthians 5 9-13 by Elder C. H. Cayce
03/01/2010 The Ministry by Elder Steve Greene
04/01/2010 Election and Predestination part 6 by Elder C. H. Cayce
05/01/2010 Election and Predestination part 7 by Elder C. H. Cayce
06/01/2010 Is America a Christian nation? by Elder Claude McKee
07/01/2010 Falling from grace article 1 by Elder C. H. Cayce
08/01/2010 John 1 verses 11-13 by Elder C. H. Cayce
09/01/2010 Falling from grace article 2 Elder C. H. Cayce
10/01/2010 Cremation by Elder Berwyn Hand
11/01/2010 Getting mixed by Elder C. H. Cayce (History repeated remarks by Elder Claude McKee)
12/01/2010 The love of God by Elder Wiley Sammons
01/01/2011 Election by Elder Wiley Sammons and Elder C. M. Mills
02/01/2011 History Repeats by Elder George Hunt (deceased)
03/01/2011 Ordination Rite or examination by Elder E. B. Watts
04/01/2011 A Warning by Elder A. B. Hall
05/01/2011 Church Identity by Elder E. B. Watts
06/01/2011 Faith by Elder Wiley W. Sammons
07/01/2011 When thou prayest by Elder E. B. Watts
08/01/2011 The resurrection of the dead by Elder C. M. Mills (Deceased)
09/02/2011 Modest Apparel by Elder George Hunt (Deceased)
10/01/2011 Self Denial by Elder W. M. Mitchell
11/01/2011 Adoption by Elder C. M. Mills (Deceased)
12/01/2011 The prayers of Jesus by Elder E. B. Watts
01/01/2012 Missions and Methods by Elder C. H. Cayce with foreword by Elder Claude Mckee
02/01/2012 Resurgence of unscriptural missions and methods by Elder Claude McKee
03/01/2012 Falling from grace article 3 by Elder C. H. Cayce
04/01/2012 Deuteronomy11_chcayce by Elder C. H. Cayce
05/01/2012 Repent and be Baptized by Elder T. C. Mooney
06/01/2012 Jacob loved Esau hated by Elder C. H. Cayce
07/01/2012 The Primitive or Original Baptist Church by Elder C. M. Mills
08/01/2012 Adultery by Elder W. M. Mitchell
09/01/2012 Call of a Minister by Elder R. H. Pittman
10/01/2012 Corinthians 5-11 by Elder C. M. Mills
11/01/2012 Adultery by Elder John E. Robbins
12/01/2012 Election and Predestination Part 8 by Elder C. H. Cayce
01/01/2013 Falling from Grace part 4 by Elder C. H. Cayce
02/01/2013 Election by Elder John Robbins
03/01/2013 Election and Predestination Part 9 by Elder C. H. Cayce
04/01/2013 Election and Predestination Part 10 by Elder C. H. Cayce
05/01/2013 Land a trust must be preserved by Elder C. H. Cayce foreword by Elder Claude McKee
06/01/2013 Falling from grace article 5 by Elder C. H. Cayce
07/01/2013 Ministerial Qualifications part 1 by Elder C. H. Cayce
08/01/2013 Church Discipline By Elder Claude McKee
09/01/2013 About The Ministry - Questions by Elder G. W. Stewart
10/01/2013 Ministerial Qualifications Part 2 by Elder C. H. Cayce
11/01/2013 Ministerial Qualifications Part 3 by Elder H. H. Cayce
12/01/2013 Ministerial Qualifications Part 4 by Elder C. H. Cayce
01/01/2014 Election and Predestination Part 11 by Elder C. H. Cayce
02/01/2014 Election and Predestination Part 12 by Elder C. H. Cayce
03/01/2014 Falling from Grace article 6 by Elder C. H. Cayce
04/01/2014 Falling from Grace article 7 by Elder C. H. Cayce
05/01/2014 Falling from Grace article 8 by Elder C.H.Cayce
06/01/2014 Falling from Grace article 9 by Elder C.H.Cayce
07/01/2014 Falling from Grace article 10 by Elder C.H.Cayce
08/01/2014 My Reward by Elder Robert Harlan
09/01/2014 Adultery and remarriage by John Owen
10/01/2014 Proselytes by Elder E. B. Watts
11/01/2014 Inner and Outer Man by Elder S. F. Cayce
12/01/2014 American Founding Principles by Elder Claude Mckee
01/01/2015 Bible Evidences by Elder S. F. Cayce
02/01/2015 An old article by Elder Z. Stallings
03/01/2015 The Spread of the Gospel by Elder Claude Mckee Elder Lemuel Potter excerpt
04/01/2015 Disorderly Preacher by Elder G.W. Stewart
07/01/2015 False Prophets among Primitive Baptists by Elder Claude Mckee