Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

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Monthly Current Article

Volume Issue  Date  Title and Author
1 1 12/01/2002 Today's Primitive Baptist Missionary Movement   by Elder Claude McKee
2  1 01/01/2003 Charity (Love)   by Elder Claude McKee
 2  5 05/01/2003 Studying and Teaching by Elder Claude McKee
 2  6 06/01/2003 Religious Youth Camps  by Elder Claude McKee
 2  8 07/01/2003 Tithing   (Not a sanctioned New Testament practice)  by Elder Claude Mckee
2 9 07/03/2003 A departure in faith and practice  Article by Elder Claude Mckee concerning bible study groups
 2  10 09/01/2003 A salaried Ministry.   Are we obligated by the scriptures to pay a salary to the God Called Minister? Should a minister expect a salary for preaching the Gospel or accepting the pastoral care of a church? by Elder Claude McKee
 2  11 10/01/2003  Secret Societies    A review of the stand that the Primitive Baptists have taken against secret orders. By Elder Claude McKee
 2  12  11/1/2003 Sermon Outlines  (Akin to  Expository sermons.) Should a minister use Sermon outlines.  by Elder Claude McKee
3 1 1/1/2004 Duty and Authority of the Church  to maintain a Godly discipline and defend against false doctrine and practices. By Elder Claude McKee
 2 2/1/2004  America  Choose you this day whom you will serve. by Elder Claude McKee
3 Issue 7 7/1/2004 Changes in Baptist practice regarding ministerial training by Elder Claude McKee
3 Issue11 11/1/2004 Examination of the support for Bible Classes in the Primitive Baptist Church by Elder Claude Mckee
3 Issue12 12/1/2004 How does a person become a Child of God? by Elder Claude McKee
4 Issue3 3/1/2005 Gospel Labor - Laboring for Peace  by Elder Claude McKee
4 Issue8 8/1/2005 Church Incorporation and religious liberty by Elder Claude McKee
5 Issue11 11/01/2006 The calling and sending of a minister by Elder Claude McKee
6 Issue4 4/1/2007 Biblical Predestination by Elder Claude McKee
Issue7 07/01/2007
What do you say Elder C. H. Cayce with Editorial comments by Elder Claude McKee
7 Issue2 2/1/2008 Primitive Baptist History (usually misrepresented by religious writers and Baptist Historians.
7 Issue3 3/1/2008 Defenders of biblical truths by Elder Claude McKee
7 Issue4 4/1/2008 American Baptist Heritage by Elder Claude McKee
7 Issue10 10/1/2008 Historic view of today's progressive movement among the Primitive Baptist
7 Issue 11 11/1/2008 Too much worldliness in the Church By Elder C. H. Cayce - Foreword by Elder Claude McKee
8 Issue3 3/1/2009 American Baptists and the Founding fathers  foreword by Elder Claude McKee Letters exchanged between President George Washington and the United Baptists of Virginia
8 Issue4 4/1/2009 Baptist forefathers and liberty of conscience foreword by Elder Claude McKee to an article by Elder Isaac Backus pertaining to the proposed constitution of the state of Massachusetts.
8 Issue12 12/01/2009 Help Meet By Elder Claude McKee
9 Issue6 06/01/2010 Is America a Christian nation? by Elder Claude McKee
9 Issue11 11/01/2010 Introductory remarks to article Getting mixed by Elder C. H. Cayce
11 Issue 2 02/01/.2012 Resurgence of unscriptural missions and methods by Elder Claude McKee
12 Issue 8 08/01/2013 Church Discipline by Elder Claude McKee
13 Issue 12 12/01/2014 American Founding Principles by Elder Claude McKee
13 Issue 3 03/01/2015 The Spread of the Gospel by Elder Claude McKee with an excerpt from the Potter Throgmorton debate

'Selected articles' series

4 Issue7 7/1/2005 Independence Day  Early Baptists of Alabama believed church services was a good way to celebrate the 4th of July by Elder Claude McKee

 Miscellaneous Articles

Apostasy Among the Primitive Baptists A series of articles written by Elder Claude McKee concerning today's apostasy among the Primitive Baptists
Modern Missionary movement  A series of articles written by Elder Claude McKee concerning the introduction of the Modern Missionary movement in America
Unscriptural Practices a series of articles written by Elder Claude McKee concerning several practices that true Baptists have always held as unscriptural.
Petitioning our government Comments on our right and duty to speak out to our elected officials. By  Elder Claude McKee. Includes a

   Scriptural verses and comments