07/01/2003 Prepared Sermons by Elder Brian Moore
appearing on the Old Line Messenger Web Site
07/01/2003 A departure in faith and practice
Article by Elder Claude Mckee concerning bible study groups
Article by Elder Brian Moore taken from the Old Line Messenger Web
08/18/2003 Another Jesus From the
nugget series (nugget 201) written by Elder Ralph Harris
An evident truth Needs met in
the field of labor if God sends one. Elder Ralph Harris
A time to Stand Elder Brian Moore appearing on the Old Line Messenger
Web Site
A necessary stand
A bold and necessary stand against the present day digressive (liberal) movement among the Primitive Baptists. This editor supports
the sentiments contained in Elder Kenneth Clevenger's reply to an Elder in the Midwest. - Editor Elder Claude McKee
Highly esteemed among men
From the nugget series ( 63) by Elder Ralph Harris
Will of God From the
nugget series (96) by Elder Ralph Harris
Holy Brethren The Old
Church is made up of God called. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Bits and pieces 113 Content with old way. By Elder Ariel West (Bits and Pieces #113 by Elder
Ralph Harris)
02/01/2004 Too hard for God
Nugget #221 by Elder Ralph Harris
02/01/2004 Obedient Children We should all rejoice when we see children of God walking in truth and love. By Elder Marty
Warren letter Letter from Baptist minister Isaac Backus to the
Warren Association
Knit together When one hears the good news of the gospel of their salvation and delights in it there are those with whom
might have their souls knit together in the Kingdom of His dear Son. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
No place to quit If the Lord has called us to a task, let us do it with our might, even if we seem to
be making little progress From the bits and pieces series (#260) By Elder Ralph Harris
life a promise God would not have promised eternal life without
having particular persons in mind to whom He was directing that promise. From the nugget series (227) By Elder Ralph Harris
Lively Stones 'It
is our Lord’s will to build His Church. It is a spiritual house comprised of lively stones, built up'. by Elder
Marty Hoogasian
Cast down God's people need to remember that ultimate victory over all imaginable foes
is theirs, and the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. by Elder Ralph Harris
04/01/2004 Jesus' Walk The "religious world" will not
embrace the truth that Christ died to save his people, the elect from their sins. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
of Discipleship It is only as we devote our hearts and lives to acts of kindness and
love to our brethren that we can be distinguished as true disciples. by Elder Ralph Harris
Jesus Death The world commemorates his birth ,more
than his death
by Elder Ralph Harris
Bars of
Fellowship As touching resolutions of non-fellowship I observe two extremes. One is to
make a test of fellowship out of almost everything. The other is to make a test of fellowship out of almost nothing. by Elder Ralph Harris
05/01/2004 Smooth Things Do we seek to please men? If we yet please men, then we are
not the servants of Christ By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Faith is not a reward Without faith both God’s Consolation and Hope is unperceivable to
the evil generation. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Peach Tree
Tea 'I
have yet to know for sure just why she (mama) called it "Peach tree tea". But that's what she called it and I must say it
had a lasting effect.'. by Elder Robert Harlan, (Deceased )
Lord Knows them The very foundation of God stands sure and it bears a seal. And part of that seal is that
the Lord
knoweth them that are his . From the Nugget series (238) by Elder Ralph Harris
Born Blind
It is possible for men to recall what they have been taught but it is
impossible to generate faith to believe. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Bible Studies There is a quantum leap between discussing scriptures with a church member before or after services or in one’s home,
and having organized Bible Studies in the church. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Jesus Blessed Jesus Writing the song 'Jesus Blessed Jesus' by the author Elder
Ralph Harris
Gates of Zion Why was Moses not allowed to enter into that which God had promised and
revealed unto him? by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Not of this world, the kingdom' The true church is not a worldly organization. How could it then have
a worldly headquarters? By Elder Ralph Harris
Beware of Leaven By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Catholic This word literally means universal By Elder Sylvester Hassell 1914
It is sad that this type of religion is so appealing By Elder Brian Moore
Sitting and
Clothed What a glorious truth is contained therein. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
and Predestinate How wonderful is the grace of God! by Elder Ralph Harris
the Brotherhood Liberty abused can do injury or evil. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Much People Not all the inhabitants of Corinth were God’s
people. by Elder Ralph Harris
-- A Precious Gift Hope maketh
not ashamed By Elder Ralph Harris
Stones Jesus Christ the corner stone by Elder Marty Hoogasian
in the Household of Faith And a man's foes shall be they of his own household by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Cause of
Division Opposition to error was not the cause of division,Elder
Syvester Hassell
of Ourselves I don’t see Paul saying that this Cretian
prophet ([Possibly] Epimenides) is one of us. He is called one of themselves, one of the Cretians. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
What is the Gospel
by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Grace leads to a Godly Life
Grace leads to a godly life and not a sinful one -- Elder William H. Crouse ( Zion's Advocate, 1903) From the bits and
pieces series (#194) by Elder Ralph Harris
John 3:16 Believer is already in possession of everlasting life by
Elder T. S. Dalton
Proud Boasting
A vain and proud attitude toward ones own appearance, or
achievements, is a stench in the nostrils of God By Elder Ralph Harris
Firm foundation Our Lord that precious and sure foundation is laid in Zion so says God’s excellent word By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Dead Wood The scriptures say
that man who abideth not in the vine is cast forth as a branch. He will not leave on his own accord By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Feeding or is it entertaining The methods of popular religion deny the command to "feed my sheep" and it does so by
concentrating on entertainment rather than feeding . by Elder Brian Moore
Spirit quickeneth Gospel
not necessary to regenerated dead alien sinners. by Elder Ralph Harris
Knoweth God
It is given unto some to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to others it is not
given By Elder Ralph Harris
Time's swift Passage You who are young will be amazed at how soon you will find yourself among the older generation. by Elder
Ralph Harris
Israel of God
For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel By Elder Marty Hoogasian
forth by Holy Ghost Some might think ministers are sent forth by the Church. This passage will not support that erroneous thinking By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Acknowledgement of God - Did you know?
Seeking Great things? The seeking of great things for ourselves is an example of self-exaltation, and the Scriptures tell us plainly that
"whoever exalteth himself shall be abased". by Elder Ralph Harris
Death is gain Joy to serving Christ Jesus, happy prospect to be
with him. by Elder Ralph Harris
God's Peculiar Treasure Though many are blessed with such a great deliverance those who are God’s peculiar treasure and a holy
nation are but a Little Flock by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Gospel labour There must by necessity be a way to labor in the gospel without taking the stand and
preaching among those that have been clearly marked as disorderly. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Reverend The only name we
read of in the Scriptures that is "holy and reverend" is the Lord's (Psalm 111:9). by Elder Ralph Harris
Pray for God's servants The minister cannot preach acceptably, nor can the people hear aright without divine help. by Elder Ralph
World and Election If election is far from them, then so is grace. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Forgotten God President Abraham Lincoln's Proclamation for a National Day of Fasting,
Humiliation and Prayer.---April 30, 1863. From the bits and pieces series (#421) by Elder Ralph Harris
Angry and sin not A child of God can indeed be angered by sin. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Few are right and many are wrong There are still a few of us strange critters who are determined to stand for the truth no matter what the majority thinks of
us. bits and pieces # 448 by Elder Ralph Harris
Obedience to the truth The gospel is much more than just an exposition of the wonderful decrees and counsels of God
with no practical application. by Elder Ralph Harris
Where art thou? God who is all knowing has never needed to ask a question for the purpose of receiving an answer for something
He didn’t know. by Elder Chuck Campbell
Winds and sea
obey All men ought to obey God but we know that all man will not obey God.
by Elder Marty Hoogasian
vision of all
Surely there must be great benefit from reading the vision of all, especially to those that are loved of the Lord by Elder Marty
Where do they go? The preaching of the gospel, even the Arminian’s version of it, has nothing whatsoever to do
with anyone's eternal destiny. by Elder Ralph Harris
Obey God rather than Man When anyone requests, urges or demands that we do anything contrary to "thus saith the
Lord," we are duty bound to obey God rather than man. by Elder Ralph Harris
On the Cross Some thoughts on the words of our Lord, as He hung on the cross. by Elder Chuck Campbell
approved Some advocate the heresy that God predestinated many [or all] things
by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Wise in this
world Fishermen and tax collectors were among the vocations of those whom our Lord called to be apostles in the
primitive church by Elder Marty Hoogasian
People? Hence, if the Lord has singled us out His, for special favors, we may also expect that the world
will single us out for its special contempt. by Elder Ralph Harris
Acknowledge Him Proverbs
3:6, The clear implication is that if we do not acknowledge Him in all our ways, then we cannot expect Him to direct our paths. by
Elder Ralph Harris
Exhortation to stay in Old Paths Some have even gotten ashamed of the old doctrine of grace and have assayed to lift us up out of the old
ruts, and put us on a high plane of prosperity. by Elder T. S. Dalton (Bit and Pieces #453 by Ralph Harris)
Chosen in Him
He neither lived for the multitudes nor did He die for the multitudes but He died for those chosen in Him before the world began.
by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Separate thyself
'let there be no strife for we are brethren. Is not the whole land before thee? SEPARATE thyself I pray thee from me' by Elder
Marty Hoogasian
Weak but Strong? The only times we are truly strong is when we are totally relying upon the Lord and are fully
conscious of our own weakness. by Elder Ralph Harris
purpose of Preaching There is a glorious purpose in preaching, but that purpose is not the eternal salvation of souls. R.
H. Pittman bit and pieces #463 by Elder Ralph Harris
Daily work The
hardships and tribulations a child of God goes through are not designed to break him. They are designed to give him a foundation
of experience and learning. by Elder Carl Arnold
Mount Rushmore
I conclude that to some of God's people coming to the Church, the Kingdom of God, the stone cut out of the mountain without hands,
is muck like Mt. Rushmore to me. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Marvel Not
The Arminians would have this Scripture read: 'everyone that decides to be born of the Spirit can be like the wind and blow wherever
he will' by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Love shed abroad in our hearts
The love of God is not in a man’s heart until the Lord puts it there. And if a person does not have it,
he does not want it, for he knows nothing about it . by Elder Ralph Harris
Only one
Mediator Mourners' Benches were invented by modern Arminians at the close of the 18th century. They were unknown
before that time. Elder S. Hassell (bits and pieces #469) by Elder Ralph Harris
Independence Day Early
Baptists of Alabama believed church services was a good way to celebrate the 4th of July by Elder Claude McKee
Today many are learning to profit without working at all. This fosters ingrates and unprofitable servants of the state. by
Elder Marty Hoogasian
Feeding sheep
The poor little child of God is happy with the crumbs that fall from the Master’s table. He realizes that it is by grace that he
receives even his daily necessities. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
showeth Mercy Only those loved by God have an interest in mercy by Elder Ralph Harris
Never save anyone Worldly system will never save anyone Elder
John R. Daily (Bit and pieces #474 by Elder Ralph Harris)
Tread Winepress alone The hardships/tribulations give a foundation by Elder Carl Arnold
Gentle Savior Scripture doesn’t contain the word gentleman but if anyone fits that description, it is our Lord. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
to the Lord If He is your Lord and if you have seen one of the least of these brethren, and have in some merciful way
been a blessing to them, then you have ministered to the Lord. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Absurdity Those who are in the love and service of sin could not rest from the burden of their sins, because they are not burdened with
them. Elder J. R. Daily bits and pieces #506 by Elder Ralph Harris
Know before speaking
It is important that we not take a dogmatic stand on any Bible subject or make any positive pronouncements
with regard to it until we know all that is taught about it in the Scriptures by Elder Ralph Harris
Able to deliver There are still men and women today, and I hope I am among them, who have the same confidence in the Lord as
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. by Elder Ralph Harris
Walking in the
light The darkness that natural man abides in is indeed a powerful darkness by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Full of sap
The trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord are not always readily apparent to our observation by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Things we believe We all believe that we should stand aloof from the world with all of its institutions, religious or secret
oath-bound orders. Elder Lee Hanks, bits and pieces #510 by Elder Ralph Harris
and believeth The hearing and believing of this verse are evidences of divine life, not the causes
of divine life. by Elder Ralph Harris
our example Everything Christ did was done honorably and with great dignity. by Elder Ralph Harris
Pure religion The
scripture doesn’t say that pure religion is to simply spend time amongst those that have suffered loss. God said visit them in their
affliction. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Father seeketh such
It is by the grace of God that anyone has a home in the Lord’s Church. by Elder
Marty Hoogasian
Comforting words for sinners
You are not to rest in yourselves, but in your blessed Lord Elder J. R. Daily, bits and pieces
#511 by Elder Ralph Harris
Duration of God's Love One of the ways in which the greatness of God's love for His people may be seen is in its duration. It is an
"everlasting love" by Elder Ralph Harris
Before Abraham was I AM to God’s humble followers the deity of Christ is a precious truth. by Elder Ralph Harris
I go
They said unto him, we also go with thee by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Confusion of faces He causes His face to shine upon us not because we have set our face to seek Him; but rather in order that we
could set our face to seek Him.. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Calling It applies only to God’s elect. No man can make it apply to anyone else without
willfully wresting the Scriptures. by Elder Ralph Harris from the nugget series (#280)
Praying submissively
May He ever help us, both in our prayers and in every other aspect of our lives, to be humbly
submissive to His inerrant will Elder Ralph Harris
Believeth hath eternal life
The fact of a person believing is an evidence of his eternal life, not the cause. by
Elder Brian Moore
All Scripture is
given If one wants instruction in righteousness, if one wants to see what is acceptable with God one
should confirm everything with the Scriptures. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Preach the Word
If there is any preaching, it is of the Lord. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Friend of sinners He
is still choosing the "weak and base things of the world and things which are despised." This has always confused,
confounded and enraged "the mighty" of earth, and it always will. by Elder Ralph Harris
Faithful and beloved brother A great deal can be said for the man who truly is a "faithful and beloved brother." by Elder Ralph Harris
He shall deliver up Today, as yesterday there are some that find it incredible that the King has His Kingdom on earth. They preach
of the "millennial kingdom" which God shall bring down from heaven. That is far from the Scriptural Kingdom, according to
Scriptures. by Elder Marty Hoogasian
Continuing city Our Lord promised that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church.
By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Author known and loved by Elder Ralph Harris
Lowest Seat The
lowest seat is the safest place in the house of God . by Elder James J. Gilbert. From the bits and pieces
series(#472) by Elder Ralph Harris
Question about cremation I have never personally known of a devout Primitive Baptist being cremated, and I think I can say with reasonable certainty
that, as a body, they are very much opposed to it.. by Elder Ralph Harris
Rich indeed
All the money in the world couldn’t buy the good news of Jesus Christ that the poor lame man received that day By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Blind eye
witness Consider the record of Malchus in John 18 the 26th verse. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
03/01/2006 Why grumble There are some who say, "It is hard (unjust) for God to choose some and leave others." by Elder Ralph Harris
03/01/2006 A system of Bondage Any religion, which maintains that souls are saved eternally on the basis of the efforts of men, is a
system of bondage. by Elder Ralph Harris
03/01/2006 Flattering titles The word
"reverend" appears only one time in the Bible and is only applied to God by Elder Ralph
Be not Faithless If a man could lose the faith that he was given as fruit of the Spirit, then he could likewise be able to lose
Salvation By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Blessed exception Thankfully, there is an exception, Jesus Christ our Lord. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Matthew 23:37 A
curse is here pronounced upon them by Jesus for their rebellion. by Elder J. R. Daily from the bits and pieces series (520)
Elder Ralph Harris
Hope seen is
not hope Among worldly religions hope is often looked upon with some scorn or even ridicule, and it is frequently argued that we
must have something more than hope . by Elder Ralph Harris
John 6:37 All that the Father
given me shall come to me ... posted to the PBlibrary by Elder Albert Wilson
New Creature
Man despite all his witty inventions has fallen far from his position of goodness wherein God created him. By Elder Marty
Gates of Nain
Nain means beauty By Elder Marty Hoogasian
A loving appeal to the
Primitive Baptists by Elder John R. Daily
Apostasy among the Primitive Baptists A series of articles by Elder Claude
Apt to teach Poor
judgment has often been used in ordaining men to the ministry. From the bits and pieces series (#521) Elder Ralph Harris
05/01/2006 The Heart No
matter how much a man is deceived by his own heart, it never deceives God. From the bits and pieces (#518) series. by Elder
Ralph Harris
All things It does
not seem reasonable to me to say that good things work together with evil things, and that consequently everything we do and
everything that happens to us during our lifetime, whether good or bad, turns out for our good. Elder Ralph Harris
Freely Speak
Today seminaries teach foreign languages to men believing that by so doing that Christ can be brought to every nation under
heaven. The languages of man can be learned and spoken; but no teacher but God can teach a man to embrace the gospel. By Elder Marty
of Resurrections Christ need not walk the sands of time to heal the sick and raise the dead. He is still as powerful today as he
was yesterday and before there was a day. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
05/01/2006 Are there any
who do good? Worldly teaching says that everyone has some good in them and that God loves everybody
but the scriptures do not support that worldly claim. The following article is found on the Old Line Messenger web site edited by Elder Brian Moore.
God's way of
Salvation How can anyone believe that the Father laid the sins of every human being on Christ and required Him to suffer for them
when He knew that untold millions of them would later be required to suffer the same penalty for the same sins in hell? Elder Ralph
of the Saints A case has never been more thoroughly and undeniably proven than that of the preservation and security of the saints
From the bits and pieces series (#491). by Elder Ralph Harris
He heals the blind There were no doubt many sighted who saw the good works of the Lord and found no desire to follow him or call
upon Him. These blind men who could have never seen one of our Lord’s good works were still endowed with faith to call upon the
Lord. By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Children of Promise
Every new birth is but the fulfillment of a promise. Elder J H Oliphant/ bits and pieces #532 by Elder
Ralph Harris
A vital key I
once heard an old preacher say, "In the Lord’s kingdom the way down is up, and the way up is down. " by Elder Ralph
Like unto Him The
inward desires of the heart are given to those that delight in the Lord (Psalms 37:4). By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Morning pondering
Posted to OLPB forum 6/28/2006
Elder Carl Arnold
Thinking out loud-1
Elder J. D. Morris Posted to the OLPB forum
The purpose of the Gospel
The gospel is never instrumental in anyone's regeneration, but it is instrumental in enlightening and instructing in the
truth those who have already been given divine life by the Spirit of God. by Elder Ralph Harris
08/01/2006 A stranger here
When we consider these and a host of other evils and injustices in the world we are very forcefully reminded of just how much of a
stranger we who try to serve the Lord are here in this worldly environment. by Elder Ralph Harris
08/01/2006 Availing The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. But do all those that have been made righteous
and given a hope in Christ avail themselves of the blessings of prayer? By Elder Marty Hoogasian
08/01/2006 Do not forget
Elder George R. Hunt
I often think of the unspeakable magnitude of His love, mercy and kindness to a wretch like me. by Elder Ralph Harris
09/01/2006 Faith
True believers are blest above measure in that they are, by faith, as certain of God's existence and as assured of His divine
attributes as if they had seen Him face to face. by Elder Ralph Harris
The call from death unto life is a command of God. That command cannot be resisted By Elder Marty Hoogasian
Pondering Posted to OLPB forum 8/22/2006 Elder Carl Arnold
A good warfare
The primary part of a child of God’s warfare is internal, between the flesh and the Spirit. by Elder Ralph Harris
10/01/2006 Gifts
of God There is a sense in which the preaching of the true gospel can perfect the saints, but it cannot create the saints. by
Elder Ralph Harris
Love thy
neighbour The law doesn’t make a man compassionate, anymore than the law will make one love the Lord By Elder Marty
Pondering Posted to OLPB forum 9/21/2006 Elder Carl Arnold
Two types of people
Do you, dear one, sometimes question in your mind which side of the fence you are on; whether you are one of the Lord's little ones or
if you are one of that other crowd? by Elder Ralph Harris
All things
common Sylvester Hassell, From the bit and pieces series #480 by Elder Ralph Harris
Benefits of
Affliction One becomes more fully sensible of his own frailty and entire dependence on the Lord By Elder John R. Daily
Pondering Posted to OLPB forum 10/25/2006 Elder Carl Arnold
Believing the Bible
Elder Marty Hoogasian
Straying ones
corrected The shepherd loves the straying sheep as well as the others. by Elder Ralph Harris
Election outcome
What a blessing to believe that God predestinated the elect to heaven and immortal glory! By Elder Marty Hoogasian
01/01/2007 Peace with God
Peace with God is a most priceless jewel by Elder Burton Rawls from the bits and pieces series #536 by Elder Ralph
01/01/2007 Receiving the word
A man receiving the word of a thing is absolutely passive in receiving the word, or news, of the thing. By Elder C. H. Cayce
01/01/2007 God is Immutable
The apostle James tells us that with God there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. From the bits and pieces series #539 by
Elder Ralph Harris
Purpose of Gospel by Elder C. M. Mills
Stipp John - an experience
From the bits and pieces series (#542) by Elder Ralph Harris