Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures

Index of Hymnal tunes appearing on the Essential Baptist Principles website
Daily Hymns 1  - sermon excerpt    Daily Hymns 2  - sermon excerpt

Music Note  Monthly Hymns web pages - Listed in Chronological order  Music Note

Songs from the 1858 Lloyds Hymnal book as sung by Brother Burney 
Number 200 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 206 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 211 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 253 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 338 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 271 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 342 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 376 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 382 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 384 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 486 Lloyds Hymnal

Misc tunes
Kindred in Christ  As sung by a trio in south Georgia
Jesus lover of my soul
Why should we start and fear to die  (A south Georgia [Burney] overdub)