Essential Baptist Principles
As taught in the Holy Scriptures
Index of Hymnal tunes appearing on the Essential Baptist Principles website
Daily Hymns 1
sermon excerpt
Daily Hymns 2
sermon excerpt
Monthly Hymns web pages - Listed in Chronological order
Affliction of Zion
(Royal Proclamation #
in good old songs)
Come thou fount
Garden of Christ
Glorious things of Thee are spoken
God moves in mysterious ways
In mercy Lord
Jesus blessed Jesus by Elder Ralph Harris
Lone ere the sun
How did my heart rejoice
Sweet hour of prayer
Thy mercy my God
Why should we fear to die
Glorious things of the are spoken
All hail the power of Jesus name
You may sing Goble #218
O When Shall I see Jesus
Walk with God
O how happy are they
He hideth my soul
Hungry and faint and poor
Dearest Savior
Sweet rivers of redeeming Love
A throne of Grace
Glorious Names
Alas and did my Saviour
The Churches' Desolation
What shall I render
Cease ye mourners
Thus far the Lord has led me
Pass me not O Gentle Savior
The Blessed Spirit
The Hour of Prayer
Songs of Praise
Am I a soldier of the cross
God has been my refuge daily
The Hill of Zion
Retreat From every stormy wind that blows
Here in the Vineyard
The Lord Provides
Love Divine
(My faith looks up to thee)
No more stormy clouds to rise
Happy Land
Going home
(A long time traveling home)
Happy Day
(When Jesus washed my sins away)
The Lord has been so good to me
I'll be satisfied
How Sweet to die
Carradoc Plains
(How lovely the Place where the Savior appears)
Laid by Jehovah's hand
When I survey the wondrous cross
Lisbon - Welcome sweet day of rest
Long Sought Home
Do not I love thee
Rest for the weary
To the tune of How I love Jesus
When sorrows encompass me
(I love to see the Lord below)
Through the Shadow
Evening Mediations
The city of light
Thy way not mine
Nearer my God to Thee
Lord how delightful
Watchman (morning)
Ripley (Gird thy loins)
The Lone Pilgrim
(Beneath the sacred throne of God)
Passing away
Weeping Sinners
Holy Manna
Green Fields
(303) How Tedious and Tasteless
(311) Jesus Thou are the sinners friend
(699) Welcome sweet day of rest
Return Again
(646) Lord revive us
Christian Love
What a Friend we have in Jesus
(237) # 11 Old School Hymnal
Rock of Ages
Old School Hymnal
Lord revive us Goble 174
O Land of rest
Kindred in Christ
Songs from the 1858 Lloyds Hymnal book as sung by Brother Burney
Number 200 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 206 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 211 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 253 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 338 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 271 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 342 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 376 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 382 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 384 Lloyds Hymnal
Number 486 Lloyds Hymnal
Misc tunes
Kindred in Christ
As sung by a trio in south Georgia
Jesus lover of my soul
Why should we start and fear to die
A south Georgia [Burney] overdub)